A campership
"At camp, I get to expand on my knowledge of Christian Science and learn how to continue to apply it to my everyday life”
“At the end of camp, I understand so much more about Christian Science”
“Camp really helps me to see the best parts of myself and of all the people around me”
“When you're at camp you just feel how Love Is All around you“
“... these camp opportunities ... provide our children the needed opportunity ... to focus solely on their oneness with Divine Love, God.”
“Campership funds have given our family a sense of freedom, abundance, and dominion in making the choice to send our child to camp.”
“Know that without you, camp would not be possible for our family.”
“You and your organization have made it possible to enrich [my children’s] lives by blessing us with your generosity.”
"At camp, I get to expand on my knowledge of Christian Science and learn how to continue to apply it to my everyday life” | “At the end of camp, I understand so much more about Christian Science” | “Camp really helps me to see the best parts of myself and of all the people around me” | “When you're at camp you just feel how Love Is All around you“ | “... these camp opportunities ... provide our children the needed opportunity ... to focus solely on their oneness with Divine Love, God.” | “Campership funds have given our family a sense of freedom, abundance, and dominion in making the choice to send our child to camp.” | “Know that without you, camp would not be possible for our family.” | “You and your organization have made it possible to enrich [my children’s] lives by blessing us with your generosity.” |
The Campership Fund identifies, encourages, and financially assists individuals to attend the camp for Christian Scientists of their choice.
We strongly feel that finances should never prevent anyone from being able to attend one of these camps.
Because we recognize that each camp is special and that each camper/family situation is unique, we support the individual rather than any particular camp. Parents, families, or adult campers apply for assistance, explaining their specific needs. We prayerfully consider every application to help ensure these needs are met and the child, family, or adult camper can attend camp.
*Camps are owned and operated as independent organizations.

Metaphysical Theme
“And trust His love whose sure supply
Meets all thy need abundantly”
— Hymn 6, 3rd verse